Monday, January 19, 2009


We are having the most beautiful snowfall right now. Big, chunky snowflakes, and it looks like it will accumulate enough for sled riding later.


Sandie January 21, 2009 at 11:01 AM  

I have finally had a few minutes to look at a few of my favorite blogs. This shot is amazing!!! I love it. The colors are great, her expression is perfect and the composition just makes it all sing joy.

MrReederCPFA January 23, 2009 at 7:52 PM  

Yes, I agree with Sandie. Also, i love the texture...but you probably know that!

About This Blog

Welcome to my blog! I run a small, residential portrait studio specializing in children's and family portraiture. Here I like to shoot for fun, and try new techniques. My website link is to the right, so please visit if you have a chance. I love to receive comments and suggestions, so if you would like to post a message...

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